Monday, February 2, 2009


So I went to one of my best friends GF house for a superbowl party. "The woman" didnt wanna go so I didnt just leave her. Any way throughout the night I noticed the females there were texting each other all night. It was rather obvious because they would type. look at friend and point to the phone or even slip and say check your phone at some point. With only three people there who was not in the loop(ME, MY OTHER BEST BUDDY AND HIS GF) It was clear that one of us or all of us was the hot topic. To wanting to be a trouble maker I just enjoyed the game and continued to be my loud talk alot self. But later my other buddy told me his gf one of the three who were out of the loop. said the girl was texting about her and so on. SO I wasnt crazy someone else say it too. TO my surprise she didnt act up. So I thought it was funny. I mean they might as well just talked about us in our faces. I dunno who they were talking bout. Likely my friends gf. Any way also while I was there some "SMART ASS" college kids were there. SO i asked who vince lambardi was. to my friend. not the college kid. But college kid says you dont know who lambardi is. (IN MY HEAD ISNT THAT WHY I JUST ASKED). So I tell college kids the diff between a man and college kid is you can ask a man a question and he will answer. you ask a kid a question and he feels the need to belittle you. TRying make him feel small. Then a lady there chimed in and said dont worry bout it. He in college he still trying to prove he smart. We all graduated so we been there done that. So that pretty much shut him up.
So overall football sunday was great. great food. but a lil uncomfortable with all the texting going on esp when it was obvious what the texting was about. OH almost forgot. Joking with my Buddie about getting married almost got him in an argument. At a certain point i realized the more I talked the worse it was getting for him so I stopped talking and we were left with a 30 min acward silence. LOL.. AINT NO BODY GONNA RUSH ME TO GET MARRIED. THATS MY WORD AND IM STANDING BY IT

1 comment:

  1. LOL LOL LOL like u said they might as well have just came out and said what they had to say instead of bein lil punks and texting it amongst themselves...thats hilarious college dude tried to play u!!!
