Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Give me Liberty or Give me death is a quote by some guy we all learned about in High School. Patrick Henry or someone. I'm to lazy to google it. Any way this man would rather die than have his freedom taken away. And when you think about marriage at times its like having your freedom taking away. So you might as well say your better off dieing. Many of the things that made you who you are are now gone. Your freedom is limited. The man once in control isnt. WOMEN ALL OVER AFTER GETTING MARRIED : I GOT THE JUICE NOW!!! The boys become the dogs or the kids. I know right now me and KK role tight eating cookies playing x box running in stores. Its almost like getting a second mother. The other day i got caught sneaking kk some soda and cookies. So now my once best friends are merely digital. Contacted through texting email and facebook. Now I ask my self: do I really want to give up my freedom is that the equvilent of suicide.

SIDE NOTE I dont think marriage is bad and all for it. I do talk to alot of older cats and most dont have to many encouraging things to say about it. I recall a movie called little miss sunshine. there is a scene that thought was classic and halarious. It was when the grandpa talked to the grandson in the car:

GRANDPA: Son F alot of women
Grandpa: F as many women as you can. Not just one.

In a sense I empathized with this statement. Cause Its been a few years with only one woman. And sometimes things get tough.

So One day Maybe Ill send this quote to my nephew.
Some may interpret it as just horrible. But I see it as telling him to live his life. Dont hold back. And enjoy every moment of it cause when your old and look back at the time you spent with one woman either happy or sad. You might regret doing so.

I personally remember in college before KK was concieved it was this chick I wanted BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDD. So one day she finally out of no where comes to my room. I told her i was gonna seduce her blah blah blah. She still came over. She walks in the room and I had a video camera on a tripod she seen that was like you not filming me. So of course I knew I was getting some. LOL But I said gee i really like this girl. Maybe I should wait till she come back over. Well there was never a next time. DAMMIT GRandpa was right. WHy didnt I see little miss sunshine before this moment in my life... Why wasnt the movie made. HAHAHA!!! SO gentlement Listen to grandpa. He knows what he talking about!

Back to the story

Recently my freedom was torn away from me by the woman. I basically tell her everything just to avoid arguments. Even tho sometimes it may cause one. But for Years I enjoyed Facebook. A world to do and say as I please until about a month or so ago. The woman at home finally joined. I know it may sound like I'm crazy. Cause I mean who doesn't have face book. But win you live with someone privacy is something you learn that you may have taken for granted when you had it.

I cant eat a chip with out someone knowing or step out the door with out hearing a where you going. So yeah. I thought it would be a prob with her joining FB. Well it wasn't actually.Why because I have no social life! Married with children! Im al Bundy! You have a better chance of having a social life living in your moms basement than you do living with ya woman. At least Moms stops at the top of the stairs and just yells down if she needs anything. So what your gf is made out of plastic. You are freaking free! You wonder how a man can pay child support and alimony and still be happy. Well its freedom. THe most precious thing in the world. ASk the children of Isreal in the BIBle.

I cant hardly make a good comment on some funny pics because I am afraid of the backlash, Not from my friends but from the women after seeing what my freinds posted! Not saying I do anything that bad.

Over the years I learned a few things about women. 1) you only have fun with them. YOu can never show true excitment about something that doesnt involve them. I been given the look for going to see a movie she said she aint wanna see in the first place. You can call my woman right now she will tell you the movies I saw with out her. So the last thing you want to do when you in a relationship is make your woman think you can possibly have more fun with another woman than you do with her.

I have and will always enjoy women.
Funny thing is men get gassed easily. We freaking have a five min convo with a hot chick and think we the ish. LOL its actually kinda of funny until someone else brings us back down then its not so funny. ok its still funny just not to the guy being bought down.

I now work at my part time job on Friday nights because I know,I mean I just Know i wont be going out. So the last bit of Privacy I had was on FB. Doing pretty much nothing. At least I thought so. I went out with the boys and didnt tell the woman my friend was having her b day party. I didnt think it was relevant.I said hey going out with Minnie Me (SHORT FRIEND) you know who you are and Prince.( FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FACEBOOK THEY BOTH WERE WIT ME THE LAST TIME I WENT OUT. She was like ok. But the next day first thing i here is : I didnt know you went to your freinds party. Why you aint tell me?
ME: I didnt think I had too!
This is the lack of privacay her joining facebook brought. Thank the lord for this blog! It seems like now if someone tags me in a otherwise fun pic. I might get in trouble. We all get in trouble.. LOL

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