Monday, February 2, 2009


So I come to realize alot of my major fights with the woman come from our child. We have different views about parenting.

I believe at least while a child she should be raised somewhat more liberal. Liberal in the sense to have freedom to explore. I learned in phycology years ago that childen who are told no all the time usually grow up shy and timid. Thus me. Im probably a extravert at heart but still to this day can be shy or have a timid moment. Thank ma. Had I had the freedom I might be on a tour bus right now with my own rock band. lol.

We go to the doctors and discuss LILTAY eating habbits. LIl tay is my daughter for those who dont know me. And thats not her name. THe doctor says well if she not eating alot Sit her food out kids her age tend to eat slowly.So just cut it to lil bites and let her eat as she plays. She will go back and eat. Something I already said.

Issue 1) So we get home and Lil Tay not eating. The woman decideds to but her in her high chair and sit there for an hour with her screaming because she wants to get up .

I say well the doc says...... Response well I gonna sit her down...

Issue 2) I rarely make any request regarding my kid. But because the woman dosnt drive she ride the metro. So her travel time for somewhere 20 min away can sometimes be 2 to 3 hours. Bus and train trips. WIth that said I ask not to take Kay on the bus when its 32 Degrees out. Not a bad request I dont think. SO Sat I had to go to aberdeen because I'm my nephew mentor. Aberdeen is 2 hours away from my house. I told her I would be home at 5pm and I would watch LIL Tay and she can go to dinner with her mom or something. Who was already at my house. Apprently they had to have Indian food. The place near the house didnt cut it. So my simple request was simply denied. I called on my way home and they by the freakin zoo.

Issue 3) Education. I am guilty of being a lazy parent. I admit it but I work 80 hours a week.
So when I come home I dont always read to LIL TAY like I should. But LIL TAY knows how to work a tv and pretend to talk on the phone. WHere is this learned. MY guess is with the woman. who gets pissed when I address it. I mean the woman is home with LIL TAY all day. So I dunno It seems like she takes the easy way out instead of reading with her. SHe turns on tv and goes in the room and talk to her slacker gf's all day. And complains if I dont kiss her butt for cleaning and cooking occasionally.

Issue 4) Role model. Im Lil tays dad but the person she will likely try to be like is MOM. So to me mom shouldnt curse. Dad's working on it. Mom loves doritos. LIL Tay Loves doritos. Get my drift.

1 comment:

  1. parenting is always gonna be difficult until yall get on the same page...shit we all got these problems...all kids eat slow i always fuss at mine while she eatin dinner...lil tay need to get in daycare quick
