Saturday, April 18, 2009

You Want your Cornbread.

Tonight I went out to watch the game with the homies. Shocking cause my friends never go out. But any way I order some wings. 20 to be exact. One friend eats about five of em. He is picking the wings that look like the drumstick which I happen to like. I was like dude take some of the other ones too. "his reply. But I like the ones that are like drumsticks. I guess I was gonna give him my cornbread or else. I eat 4 wings and I got the rest to go. I wanted to catch "I love you man" but was out voted so we headed to espn zone. One block away, just waiting on the light to change so we can cross the street a homeless guy says "Can I have your food" . NOW correct me if I am wrong but i thought the homeless ask for money. This guy truely stepped his game up. He ask for what he knew I had. He didnt know I had money but clearly I had food.  Now at this point I really didn't wanna share. Cause I paid for the tip meaning Everyone paid 20 and I paid 32 dollars. ANd only ate 4 wings. I mean I only got it to go so we had time to catch the movie.  So with a 10 second pause and deep sigh I gave up my food. He really wanted it too cause he actually offered to buy it from me.  The one who asked for my cornbread said you know you didn't look like you wanted to give him ya food. WELL I DID SO THERE YA GO. LOL. HEARS ONE FOR THE 8 DOLLAR A PIECE WINGS I HAD TONIGHT! CALL ME CHEAP I GOT A KID LOL.

SIDE NOTE.  my car took a little damage tonight becuase two of my heavier friends rode with me. Both on the Passenger side. So on one side of the car lets say 7 to 800 Pounds on my side 195.  I Swore I felt the car pulling to the left.  I was very nervos cause the last time I was in the car with these two we were with my other homie and his suspension blew out literally. ANd the last time they both sat on my sofa it broke and half. Needless to say I DROVE SLOW HOMIE. Thank you MR. WEST. .....So finally heading home  the biggest of my friend gets in  the car and the door is stuck on the curb. I got my car brand new last year and it already has more dents and scratches than  my sis car she had for 6. My LUCK I guess.. ANy way he was like just pull up real slow tay. So I did and I heard some horrible scratching. I havent looked but maybe GOD will make that scratch disappear tonight since I did a good deed.

PEOPLE MUST FEEL REALLY COMFORTABLE WITH ME!  YESTERDAY I WAS walking into Target and a lady with a large amount of toilet paper leaving the store looks at me and says I crap alot and then laughs out loud. I'M like wtf. I mean how weird was that. Could you imagine walking into the Grocery store and some old man says I have herpes. Or some other off the wall fun fact about himself.  This world I tell ya. Then later I go into blockbusters where I know most of the employees enough to carry ongoing conversations from my last visit to the store. Well apprently I carry convo''s to well. The  geeky guy who likes all the anime stuff says. : Can I come over. I thought he was just saying the movie I got was good. I was like oh its that good of a movie. He goes no, really can I come hang out. play x box.. IM like woooooh buddy. Thats what I get for being friendly relating to people talking bout anime and other ish normal people dont give two poops about.

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