Sunday, May 24, 2009


SO I say terminator this weekend. I went to the movies alone AGAIN! Two weeks in a row. GO ME!! In the process I forgot about a church event that I was supposed to attend.. LOL But It was a fund raiser and i had purchased my tickets so thats what really counts.

Sat Night I go to the club and several funny things happen.

Ill break em down by person rather than any sequence of the night.


Well prince showed up. I gotta give it to him cause he the only one of the fellas who actually parties. I went because it was a friend of mines b day. She had a table hurray for me. No leaning on the wall. sitting down instead.. LOL

Back to Prince. Once again I had to introduce him with a side comment that he is metro more or less. YOu may think im being mean but every time we go out without fail people ask me is he gay. Even his gf says she gotta watch out for the gay guys more than women LMAO!!! So to save that step I say he metro before they can ask if he's gay. I dont knock prince cause prince be getting his fair share of cute women. Any way.. AS the night goes on One of my freinds friends looked to be having a good time (DRUNK) so I put the bug in her ear prince was trying to holla. Eventually she come over pull him up and they dance. (SIDE NOTE IM ALWATS TRYING TO HOOK SOMEONE UP) Looking like a spanish music video. All intense and ish. but funny. Then they make there way back to the couch or what ever you call it at the club and the two start making out. AS a good friend I made sure I took clear well composed incrimating photos of the make out session. (for a good laugh down the road). So I dont know who camera I used I just hope it dont see the light of facebook.. LOL But the girl was just wild. I had my fun with her too. She was slim so I even got to dance freaky with her. I was the drunk guy dancing with the girl who feet wernt touching the ground legs wrapped around me. Its funny the more you do when you drunk the less you notice those around you. but just standing there you feel like the whole world is staring at ya. So I Lifted her butt up. Hercules hercules.. LOL Note She had to be 110 pounds. Cause I know I aint lifting no one up but for the hell of it I did. I had some fun freaking the drunks but I cant dance so that aint last too long. Now almost all of my friends friends were engaged or married females but they had no problem acting a fool.. Damn shame if you ask me.

Back to prince.

The second prince situation was rather funny. Prince is a very vain and confident person We call him gay all the time and he thinks its a compliment or jealousy.
But tonight that all went out the window. He attempts to holla at a chick. and recieves a funny @$$ rejection.
She told this bamma your cute but your too short.. LMAO!!
Following that another guy who was hanging with us from the table was hollering at a chick and her friend was trying to block so me or prince had to play wing man. Take out the ugmo!! Well we argued back and forth. I was like go get it. he was like you get it. She too tall.. (AMAZING the impact the words of any woman may have on a man. A once overly confident man broken down by the comments of total stranger) Well she starts to pull her friend away from they third guy we met at the table was like help. He didnt say help but men have a language we all understand. Now I know I would have been pissed if my friends aint do there part at this crucial moment. So i went over and kinda dance dwith the chick. Well gave her some attention and she eventually starts dancing. She was tall and skinny. I counldnt do nothing with it. (SIR MIX ALOT OVER HERE). So I try to move her to prince. She look like she was gonna give him the business then prince pulls off. Tells me she too tall.. LMAO..
That chicks comment really f'd him up.


Third guy tried to holla at another chick. She says she is too tired. We proceed to walk away and she pulls prince hand. Gets his number. Later than night text him to come to her hotel. Prince calls me. .. tells me she want him to come over. I was like have fun. He was like you dont wanna come. NOPE!! Got curfew.. LMAO. The woman say i gotta be in by 3.. JK But really what anyone living with someone got any business getting home after 3. I dunno. he said when he got there she asked was I with him to entertain her ugly friend. Whey cute girls always gotta bring that one friend who just dont cut it!! Its to make ya look better aint it. Well Ill take a L on the dance floor but I wasnt going have no ugmo thinking she was getting any from me. I act up a little. but at the end of the day I act married too. SO i gave up the side chick game. Now flirting is a different road to drive on!


Booked by a man! Im done for the night and just wanna go home So I was like alright fellas i'm out. the third guy we met at the table who friends didnt show up was like hold up. Whats yals numbers.. LOL I dunno. I havent made a new male friend since college. I prob aint really make any in college. All the guys in my phone are from high school unless we worked together so It felt rather wierd giving my number out. Reminded me of that movie "I love you man" going on man dates looking for new friends.

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